Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Will We Tell Our Grandchildren?

I’m sixty-three. Just a few days ago, it seems, I was twenty-three. A day or two later, I was thirty-three and got married. A day later, I was forty-three and yesterday, fifty-three. I’m sixty-three and have a grandson and those two little girls I had are colleagues now. Sometimes, I ask myself how all this happened and so quickly?

I remember asking myself as a young man how the world got so crazy. The nuclear arms race, the Cold War, Vietnam, pollution; where in hell were the adults and how could they let this happen? Then, POW! JFK is dead. POW! MLK is dead. POW! RFK is dead. Then, like I said, four days or so go by and I’m sixty-three and have a grandson pushing three! What will I tell him when he asks the inevitable question: “Pa, what did you do while the soils were being destroyed, while the water and air were made foul, while the corporations responsible for it were given complete control of the Republic, while the poor were left to suffer and die without insurance and the medical care it provides? What did you do, Pa, while the sick egos of old men brought the government to a standstill, while the cowardice of others vacillated and procrastinated while the country languished and lurched toward fascism? Pa, what did you do when the Great Man, the black Abraham Lincoln was made powerless by the stubborn and petty will of moral midgets, persons in miniature? Pa, why did you let them ruin my world? Did you know about it? Did you do anything? Did you care? Did you just hide in churches and temples and refuse to hear the cries of the weak and the helpless? What about the Prophets, Pa? What about me, Pa?

What do I say when he asks me if I have ever heard this song by Bob Dylan?

The Times They Are A-Changin’

Come gather ‘round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a changin’

Tell me Mr. Boehner, Mr. Cantor, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Lieberman, Mrs. Bachman, Mrs. Lincoln and all the rest of your liars and cowards… What will I tell him? You’ve made a hell of heaven Sarah Palin! Tell that to Jeeeesus! What will I tell him? What will I tell Jesus?

We've Been Betrayed

Isn’t it a form of treason, really, this collective lying policy on the part of the Republicans? The Constitution which is not yet owned by them has certain clearly articulated roles for the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. The gang of five on the Court has recently ratified the sale of our election system to the corporation and now, the duly elected President and duly elected majority has been stopped dead by these legislative equivalents of Brown Shirts. They have taken a vow to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of all the people, by all people, for all people. Instead they have stopped the functioning of government for all the people. How have they done this?

Had it been done by brilliant people formulating brilliant policy, one would have to conclude that their creativity has won out, fair enough! Instead, they have created individual and collective lies which are their only policy. I saw Mr. Boehner sitting to Obama’s right on t.v. the other night. It was a joint meeting of one kind or another. The look of hatred and disgust on Boehner’s face told the whole story. They’ve made it clear; the only goal they have is Obama’s failure. Obama is our President. Hatred, thinly disguised by a veneer of political policy is my definition of fascism. Sale of the electoral process is corporatism in Mussolini’s definition of fascism. We have been betrayed by the Court operating in collusion with the Republican party. How many times have you heard this question about Germany in the thirties: How could it have happened? This is how it happened. No person or party has the right to stop the government. We’ve been betrayed.

We’ve been pretending, and I include the President here, that the Republicans have a different set of principles and policies which makes them come up with different conclusions. That would be nice if it were true but it simply isn’t. The agreement to lie is not a policy; it is a lie! Obama is a truly gifted person brought forth from us to lead us. The rest of these sneering and smirking pretenders are clever if that… but only clever if that.

We’ve been betrayed by those who have betrayed our Constitution. The Democrats are sick with cowardice and the GOP is rotten with lies. We’ve been betrayed. Why be in either party? What is the point?

More thoughts on gay rights...

Recently, I had the occasion to watch a show on the History Channel called “The History of Sex.” The first 1.5 hours I saw would be more accurately called, “The history of sexual confusion and hypocrisy in Christianity.” It was accurately noted that in the Gospels, Jesus makes few mentions of sexuality and when He does, it is to express non-condemnation. He makes no reference to homosexuality whatsoever. So called Christian teachers on sexuality are drawn from Paul’s letters and a convenient “cherry picking” reach backward into the Hebrew Bible with little to no attempt to embrace the larger truth of Hebrew tradition regarding sex and procreation, in a single word, “blessing”.

Homosexuality as an “abomination” presents itself again and again during periods of time when homosexuality overran the priesthood. At those times, prostitution was not only tolerated but at times encouraged in the hope that it might stem the ride of homosexuality. At times, either or both homosexuality and prostitution overran the Church, reaching all the way to the Papacy. In my own experience of being born and beaten up Catholic, I took the “abomination” teachings to heart. They were underwritten by a feeling of revulsion for homosexual behavior. I argued that homophobia was a misnomer in that I felt no fear or samesex-ness! I felt disgust. Homo disgust seemed more accurate. Well, I had a genuine awakening upon finishing the History Channel show.

This awakening has come in three parts. The first came over me when I wrote Chapter Twenty-Nine in my book The Modern Christian Mystic. The second came when I wrote in my Godblog about considering homosexuality “at the species level”, a term coined by Thomas Berry. The third came following the above-mentioned History Channel experience. As I sat in the dark thinking, my thoughts came like this: “Well it’s clear that the Christian Church has zero authority regarding sexuality and clearly never has had any. I am grateful to have Gene Robinson as a Bishop and when I saw him the other night on MSNBC with Rachel it was clear what a good guy and genuine teacher he really is. But what about that gut feeling of revulsion? It really does feel like an abomination! Wait a minute! It is an abomination if you are truly a heterosexual; it’s repellent in the way that trying to force two positive or two negative poles of a magnet is repellent. But… what if at the species level there are two kinds of men and two kinds of women?”

I’ve had gay men who were hitting on me trying to convince me that “heteros” were in denial, that we are all gay but some of us repress that truth. “Heteros” like myself who tell them again and again that they have never had a homosexual encounter… nor have they had even a single homosexual fantasy even when no one else would know. We “heteros” all the while want to gag with the thought of having a sexual encounter with a buddy… literally, want to vomit! What if we have all been wrong because we are projecting our own experience on others?

In that case, it would not be an abomination when two samesex people male or female are drawn together into love, sex and marriage not would it feel like one. It would be as natural for them as it is for men and women to enter into bothsex unions. The problems lies in thinking that the experience of the other sort of human is as our own.

So here’s the deal. I am asking all my gay brothers to please not try to convince me that I’m in denial when I tell you that I have no interest in you sexually. I have deep, very deep, friendships and it is precisely the absence of a sexual motive which makes them such a comfort. In return, I will not think of your sexual behavior with other samesex men in the way that it would be for me as a “hetero”. If we can both do that, we can accept each other as different and equal. If that boundary became secure enough, we could be friends. In any case, at sixty-three, I am convinced that samesex unions are not abominations. They are a different form of human love.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

John McCain Owes us an Apology

When it was clear that John McCain would run against Barack Obama, I thought to myself, “Can’t lose on this one.” Prior to that, I always felt the opposite, that I couldn’t win given the nature of Presidential choices election after election. I’d seen how McCain had done in the Republican Primary here in NH and how he was treated by George W following it. George, following his father’s example with Willy Horton... In my mind, McCain was a real Republican in the tradition of Eisenhower, Ford and even Nixon. Was I ever wrong!

Choosing Sarah Palin for VP was even worse than George H.W.’s choice of Dan Quail. Recently, we have been treated again to the intellectual vacuum that is Sarah Palin. Even when interviewed not by Katie Couric but by Glenn Beck of all fascists! She didn’t know the name of a single founding Father and this, following the realization that she had no idea why there is a North and a South Korea or what the Fed does in the US government!! This is junior high civics class for God’s sake! The fact that the Tea Baggers worship this cutie is even more scary when it becomes as obvious to you as it is to me that these people pose the threat of a peculiar and recent form of American fascism. They are small-minded and cruel. They are ignorant but without humility.

Senator McCain, your inability to “gracefully surrender the things of youth” has caused you to frantically grab onto your hold on power. To do so, you were willing to insult us all, but especially women, in your attempt to equate a cheerleader with Hillary Clinton in your desperate attempt to wrest power from Mr. Obama. As it was said to Dan Quail, “I know John Kennedy and you sir are no John Kennedy,” so it can be said of Sarah Palin: “We know Hillary and ma’am, you are no Hillary”! Sir, you’ve almost placed us in the position of watching as a completely inept person supported by a group of American fascists take over the Presidency of this country should you face cancer or worse for a third time. Shame on you! You owe us a sincere apology Senator McCain.

No Forgiveness for Buddhists?

(First, a brief aside...)

Keith Olbermann has demeaned himself and his listeners with regard to his childish gloating over the personal failings of Tiger Woods. While he’d never use this word, Olbermann is a prophet when he does his commentaries. Real prophecy is the willingness to speak truth to power and Keith certainly does that -and- with the eloquence associated with great orators such as Obama, Kennedy, Churchill, Lincoln and others. However, he demeans himself and deeply discourages me when he ridicules people like Tiger for the weaknesses we all have in common. He makes himself no better than the Religious Right when he does so. Truly, for Christ’s sake, stay on the high road, Keith! We need you.

A couple of weeks ago on Fox News, Brit Hume commented that Tiger Woods would be forgiven his sexual recklessness if only he would abandon his Buddhist practice and become Christian. What? God doesn’t forgive Buddhists now? You can get a better deal with Christianity? What is this Christianity which isn’t really Christianity? This thing that began with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and others really isn’t Christianity at all but in fact, stands Christianity right on its head. And where are the Catholics? The Orthodox and the Episcopalians and the Protestants? Are you too lazy to speak out? Too lacking in faith to stand up?

This whole obsession with the sexuality of Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and others, conservatives and progressives alike, is precisely what Jesus of Nazareth said NOT to do. Don’t judge he tell us because the judgment comes back upon you. There’s a reason why the silly tattle-tale Christianity has come about. In the 10th century, the Roman Catholic Rite, largest of twenty or so Catholic rites, became celibate in order to swindle the inheritance of married Catholic priests away from their children. At that time, celibacy was certainly the norm for monastic life but it was not for diocesan priests. Once celibate, the priests took a stand against the life force present in each and every one of us, and the number one threat then for the celibate was not hypocrisy, was not injustice, but was the fear of sex. Thus, sex became the number one sin in Christianity and displaced hypocrisy, judgmentalism, and injustice as well as the lack of compassion and the lack of peacemaking which Jesus stated as the number one sins. Jesus mentioned sex twice. The first time was with regard to divorce law and the second was to comfort the woman caught in adultery. (Where was the man? Last time I looked, it took two!) In doing so, he tells her clearly that he does not condemn her. We are non-Christian when we do what was done to Clinton and Woods who are in fact textbook sex addicts suffering from a disorder. We are non-Christian when we overlook hypocrisy, judgmentalism, injustice, inequality, condemnation, racism and the like. And Buddhism? Gautama Buddha, like all great teachers, had a number of favorite sayings among which was this one: “Pursue your salvation with diligence.” If, as is held by the Gospel of John, Jesus was the Incarnation of the Light which emerged in the Big Bang, then the whole cosmos, Earth, life and culture, all cultures and Scriptural traditions are expressions of that One Light. Whether or not Jesus of Nazareth ever went to India is irrelevant. Buddha was an expression of the Light, the same Light identified by Christians as the ChristLogos. The Third Millennium Christian will follow Christ, whether they do so as Buddhists or Christians or whatever else.

A Cultural Therapist

I’ve asked people over and over again and I ask you listeners to do me a favor- when you call in, please do not call me a liberal. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative- the whole left/right, Liberal/Conservative thing is a burnt out absurdity which ultimately describes nothing at least with respect to me. What it does is to offer sanctuaries of vitriol to both “conservatives” and to “liberals”, safe houses of hatred to hurl insults at each other. So what am I? I am a citizen of the United States of America and as such it is my right and my responsibility to listen to all the voices in the political cacophony and try to make good choices with my vote. Again, I am a native born citizen of the United States of America and I pledge my allegiance to Truth.

So again, others have asked… What is this thing you’re doing, your books and talks and radio show and the like? I thought about it deeply and concluded that I’m a CULTURAL THERAPIST. A What? A Cultural Therapist, one who contemplates his or her culture and tries to sponsor the ideals of that culture while trying to heal the denied and repressed issues that distort the truth and destiny of that culture.

Republican Neti Neti

Republican Neti Neti

There is a profound practice associated with Hinduism called Neti Neti. Roughly translated it means, “not that, not that.” The idea behind it is to reject every definition of oneself until one realizes the state of kenosis or sunyata: being emptied of partial definitions of oneself. Examples in my life would be: I’m a father… neti neti… I’m an author… not that, not that… I’m a radio talk show host… neti neti. The definitions can go on into the hundreds or even thousands of defined roles until, all of them being exhausted, I realize- PING! I’m a dimension of the Divine Mind, a child of God. Without further definitions, the Hindu would just say, “THAT Thou art!” It’s not that the rejected roles were not true… I am a father, an author and a radio talk show host. The point is that the definitions limit my realization of being-ness, divine-ness.

So, every day the Democrats present ideas for this nation. Literally, with one voice, the Republicans scream, “Neti Neti! Not that, not that!” Okay… When do they come to, “that we are”? Does that day ever come -or- do they continue to cling to the collective Republican ego at the expense of the truth of the Constitution of this great nation? Laura Ingraham makes a lucrative career of being not-Obama. Neti Neti… not that. Okay- then who is Laura Ingraham? Who art thou Laura?