Tuesday, February 23, 2010

John McCain Owes us an Apology

When it was clear that John McCain would run against Barack Obama, I thought to myself, “Can’t lose on this one.” Prior to that, I always felt the opposite, that I couldn’t win given the nature of Presidential choices election after election. I’d seen how McCain had done in the Republican Primary here in NH and how he was treated by George W following it. George, following his father’s example with Willy Horton... In my mind, McCain was a real Republican in the tradition of Eisenhower, Ford and even Nixon. Was I ever wrong!

Choosing Sarah Palin for VP was even worse than George H.W.’s choice of Dan Quail. Recently, we have been treated again to the intellectual vacuum that is Sarah Palin. Even when interviewed not by Katie Couric but by Glenn Beck of all fascists! She didn’t know the name of a single founding Father and this, following the realization that she had no idea why there is a North and a South Korea or what the Fed does in the US government!! This is junior high civics class for God’s sake! The fact that the Tea Baggers worship this cutie is even more scary when it becomes as obvious to you as it is to me that these people pose the threat of a peculiar and recent form of American fascism. They are small-minded and cruel. They are ignorant but without humility.

Senator McCain, your inability to “gracefully surrender the things of youth” has caused you to frantically grab onto your hold on power. To do so, you were willing to insult us all, but especially women, in your attempt to equate a cheerleader with Hillary Clinton in your desperate attempt to wrest power from Mr. Obama. As it was said to Dan Quail, “I know John Kennedy and you sir are no John Kennedy,” so it can be said of Sarah Palin: “We know Hillary and ma’am, you are no Hillary”! Sir, you’ve almost placed us in the position of watching as a completely inept person supported by a group of American fascists take over the Presidency of this country should you face cancer or worse for a third time. Shame on you! You owe us a sincere apology Senator McCain.

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