Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Republican Neti Neti

Republican Neti Neti

There is a profound practice associated with Hinduism called Neti Neti. Roughly translated it means, “not that, not that.” The idea behind it is to reject every definition of oneself until one realizes the state of kenosis or sunyata: being emptied of partial definitions of oneself. Examples in my life would be: I’m a father… neti neti… I’m an author… not that, not that… I’m a radio talk show host… neti neti. The definitions can go on into the hundreds or even thousands of defined roles until, all of them being exhausted, I realize- PING! I’m a dimension of the Divine Mind, a child of God. Without further definitions, the Hindu would just say, “THAT Thou art!” It’s not that the rejected roles were not true… I am a father, an author and a radio talk show host. The point is that the definitions limit my realization of being-ness, divine-ness.

So, every day the Democrats present ideas for this nation. Literally, with one voice, the Republicans scream, “Neti Neti! Not that, not that!” Okay… When do they come to, “that we are”? Does that day ever come -or- do they continue to cling to the collective Republican ego at the expense of the truth of the Constitution of this great nation? Laura Ingraham makes a lucrative career of being not-Obama. Neti Neti… not that. Okay- then who is Laura Ingraham? Who art thou Laura?

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